タグ別アーカイブ: 質的研究


いちおう一部数を数えましたのでmixed methodとしましたが、基本的には質的研究です。



第41回医学教育学会2009 発表 篠原 http://d.scribd.com/ScribdViewer.swf?document_id=17705986&access_key=key-49my0slilwb8yevut2d&page=1&version=1&viewMode=slideshow





@IT総合トップ > 情報マネジメント > 情報マネジメント用語事典 > デルファイ法
デルファイ法 delphi method / delphi technique

デルファイ法は1950年代に米国のシンクタンクであるランド・コーポレーションで開発されたものである。もともとは、米空軍が専門家の意見を応用して「ソ連の戦略立案者の立場から、米国産業を目標にしたときに必要になる原子爆弾の数の推定する」研究である“Project Delphi”をランドに依頼したことに始まる。デルファイとは、神託で有名なアポロン神殿のあった古代ギリシャの地名である。


Dalkey N, Brown B, Cochran S. The Delphi Method, III: Use of Self Ratings to Improve Group Estimates. Santa Monica, Calif: Rand Corp; November 1969. Publication RM-6115-PR.
ちゃんとRand Corp.の名前がはいっています.

必要な原爆数を推定するプロジェクトを神託に関連するデルファイの地にちなんで“Project Delphi”と名付けるあたりが,どうよ.なのだが,方法論としての記述は上記に詳しい.(非常に詳しいので一読を)







はてなダイアリー > キーワード > デルファイ法

医学分野ではmodified Delphi(デルファイの変法)が用いられることが多いが,何がmodifiedなのかはまだ勉強不足.


■ デルファイ法


[技術予測調査] ( 2001.7 文部科学省 発表)pdf

[連載]日本の科学技術の現状と今後の予測 デルファイ調査‐概要


L-08 寺田 豊 デルファイ法を用いた地域健康ニーズの把握





最後に,医学研究で使われる例といて,具体的にmethod sectionをレビューするのが最もわかりやすいと思われるので,最近読んだ

Donna M. Fick, PhD, RN.et al. Updating the Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults. Results of a US Consensus Panel of Experts. Arch Intern Med. 2003;163:2716-2724. (Vol. 163 No. 22, December 8, 2003)

のmethod sectionを読んでみよう.


The modified Delphi method is a technique to arrive at a group consensus regarding an issue under investigation that was originally developed at the RAND Corporation (Santa Monica, Calif) by Olaf Helmer and Norman Dalkey.25 The Delphi method is a set of procedures and methods for formulating a group judgment for a subject matter in which precise information is lacking (such as medication use in older adults). The Delphi method provides a means to reach consensus within a group of experts. The method relies on soliciting individual (often anonymous) answers to written questions by survey or other type of communication. A series of iterations provides each individual with feedback on the responses of the others in the group. The final responses are evaluated for variance and means to determine which questions the group has reached consensus about, either affirmatively or negatively.

modified Delphiについての説明.何がmodifiedかは相変わらず不明.正確な情報が不足している領域においてグループで何らかの決定を下すための手順と方法論と.



phase 1 1994年から2000年までの地域に住むか入居の(入院でない)高齢者での投薬に関する論文(副作用,使用問題などのキーワードと絡めて)を抽出
phase 2 それらで見つかった論文の参考文献を全て手作業で当たり,更に関連論文を抽出し,それらを加えて論文のリストとする.
phase 3 次のステップで選ばれる専門科集団にデルファイ法の1巡目の後にそのリストを見せ,追加すべき論文がないかたずね,あれば加える.

注:この論文リストの作成方法はsystematic review, meta-analysis, cost-effectiveness studyなどの2次研究の元論文の収集方法として典型的である.ただし,より厳密に,論文検索の包括性(comprehensiveness of literature search)を保証するには,大学院の修士,博士論文,現在進行中の研究,製薬会社の持つ未発表のデータ,終了したが論文になっていないデータ,学会発表(抄録)のみで,論文になっていないもの,についても検索をかけることが必要.


The selection of articles for formulating the survey involved 3 steps and was phase 1 of the study. First, we identified literature published since January 1994 in English, describing or analyzing medication use in community-living (ambulatory) older adults and older adults living in nursing homes. From that, we created a table and bibliography. We used MEDLINE, searching with the following key terms adverse drug reactions, adverse drug events, medication problems, and medications and elderly for all relevant articles published between January 1994 and December 2000. Second, we hand searched and identified additional references from the bibliographies of relevant articles. Third, all the panelists were invited to add references and articles after the first survey to add to the literature review. Each study was systematically reviewed by 2 investigators using a table to outline the following information: type of study design; sample size; medications reviewed; summary of results and key points; quality, type and category of medication addressed; and severity of the drug-related problem.


The panel of members were invited to participate via letter by the 4 investigators and a consultant and represented a variety of experience and judgment including extensive clinical practice, extensive publications in this area, and/or senior academic rank. They were also chosen to represent acute, long-term, and community practice settings with pharmacological, geriatric medicine, and psychiatric expertise. Lastly, they were selected from geographically diverse parts of the United States. We initially invited (via regular mail) 16 potential participants with nationally and/or internationally recognized expertise in psychopharmacology, pharmacoepidemiology, clinical geriatric pharmacology, and clinical geriatric medicine to complete our survey. Our response rate for the initial invitation to participate as a panelist was 75% (12/16). Our final panel thus consisted of 12 experts who completed all rounds of the survey.


注:この対象抽出法は質的研究によく見られる方法で,量的研究で良く用いられる,random samplingに対し,意図的サンプリング,クラスターサンプリングなどと呼ばれる.



We used the systematic review of the literature to construct the first round questionnaire. The first-round survey contained 4 sections. Parts 1 and 2 reviewed the latest 1997 criteria. Parts 3 and 4 were medications added for the 2002 update for medications alone (part 3) and medications considering diagnoses and conditions. Parts 3 and 4 included 29 new questions about medications or medication classes and conditions. The last question in part 4 asked panel members to add medications to the list. The panel was then surveyed via Delphi technique to determine concordance/consensus with the round 1 survey and invited to add additional medications prior to and during the second-round meeting.


We created the second and third questionnaires (severity ratings) from panel input and the results of the previous round survey. We completed all mailed and face-to-face rounds between October 2001 and February 2002. We constructed the questionnaire statements according to the original Beers criteria published in 1991 and the updated criteria published in 1997. The instructions accompanying the survey asked the respondents to consider the use of medications only in adults 65 years and older. The second-round survey included the statements included from round 1 and any statements added by the experts from the first round. In the second round and the face-to-face meeting, the respondents were given information about their answers and the anonymous answers of the other members of the group and were given the opportunity to reconsider their previous response.

(この棄却の基準がオリジナルと違うのでmodifiedといわれるのではないか.あとはface-to-face meetingが実施されたところがmodifiedだろう)

After analyzing the responses from the first round of the survey, we examined each question for inclusion or exclusion in the revised criteria or for further consideration in the second round of the survey. We calculated the mean rating and corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI) of each statement or dosing question collected from the first round of the survey. Those statements whose upper limit of the 95% CI was less than 3.0 were included in the updated criteria. Those statements or dosing questions whose lower limit of the 95% CI was greater than 3.0 were excluded from the updated criteria. Statements whose 95% CI included the value of 3.0 were included for further determination in the second-round face-to-face meeting.

The face-to-face meeting was convened on December 10, 2001, in Atlanta, Ga. Each panel member was given the results of the first-round survey and the added medications (from the other panel members) to review approximately 10 days before the meeting. For statements that needed further examination (neither included or excluded during round 1), each rater was given his or her previous rating and the mean rating of the group of experts in the second survey.

Any additional statements or dosing questions that had been made on the open-ended portion of the first round of the survey by any expert was included in the survey for the second round. Forty-four questions were added by expert panelists during round 1 of the survey, and 9 questions were added during the round 2 in-person survey and voted on during the in-person meeting. These questions/medications made up part 5 of the survey. Twenty-four questions from parts 3 and 4 had 95% CIs greater than 3.0 after the round 1 survey. During the second-round face-to-face meeting, the group debated these remaining statements and then rerated them using the same Likert scale. The mean rating and 95% CI were calculated. The technique used for the first round for inclusion or exclusion of the statement or dosing question in the updated criteria was used. Those statements whose 95% CI included 3.0 were excluded from the updated criteria. Lastly, in January 2002, we surveyed panelists on a 5-point scale for the severity of the potential medication problem.




追加:おそらくmodified Delphiに相当するmini-Delphiについての表現を英語のWikipediaにて発見.
Delphi method From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The technique can be adapted for use in face-to-face meetings, and is then called mini-Delphi or Estimate-Talk-Estimate (ETE).